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Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms come in many styles and can be used in many applications. Following are the types of alarms with a short synopsis of the benefits that each offers. Battery smoke alarms are an economical way to protect a home in order to avoid labor costs associated with the installation of hardwired alarms. Battery alarms are one of the most common types offered for smoke protection today. They can be powered by standard 9 volt batteries, Pro Cell batteries, and 10 year lithium batteries. Hardwired alarms are available for new construction or they can be added to an existing system. Battery back-up is common among this type. An ionization alarm is ideal for fast flaming fires, photoelectric alarms respond to smoldering fires, Dual alarms offer protection against smoke and carbon monoxide, and vocal alarms use voice activated commands to warn of fire. Contact us at 866-864-3495 if you need help with your purchase.
Fire Protection For Additional Information Call: (866) 864-3495

According to a National Fire Protection Association (NFTA) news release, it is estimated that 3675 people died from fires in the United States in 2005. Home fires accounted for 82% of these fire deaths. These statistics exemplify the need for advance planning for fire protection. Smoke alarms are needed in every home and interconnected smoke alarm systems allow for extra escape time. It is important to plan for any special needs of members of the household in the fire escape plan and fire protection products purchased such as flashing and vocal smoke alarms for hearing impaired adults and children. Additional fire protection products such as fire escape ladders and fire extinguishers should also be placed strategically in the home. Advanced planning and fire protection products save lives!