School Safety
As schools reopen, preparation with safety procedures and safety supplies will make it safe for students and teachers to return to the classroom. The perception of a safe school environment helps to make the transition more comfortable for students, teachers and parents. Procedures that are being implemented now, will not only help with the current situation with the pandemic, but will ensure a safe environment moving forward.
See CDC's Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools through Phased Prevention
Keep reusable eyewear germ and contaminant free by using a germicidal cabinet that uses a UV sterilizer for eyewear. UV germicidal cabinets are an ideal and necessary addition to your safety program when safety glasses or safety goggles are recycled and worn repeatedly by students and staff in classrooms or in any industry that requires the sharing of safety eyewear. ALL CABINETS ARE MADE IN USA
Replace your standard water fountains with touchless bottle fillers and water coolers that are CSA certified and ADA compliant. Touchless bottle fillers and water coolers are a sanitary and healthy alternative. They are perfect for grade schools and high schools for protection from unnecessary exposure to contaminants and microorganisms. ALL OUR TOUCHLESS ADA HYDRATION UNITS ARE MADE IN USA
EPA Registration (93040-1) Lab Test
Force of Nature is on the EPA’s List N which is the list approved for use against Covid-19. Made with vinegar and electrified water, Its simple ingredients will keep children safe and protected! There are no harmful fumes or residues with Force of Nature. It’s a complete system that disinfects, sanitizes, and deodorizes and all without any harmful chemicals! Perfect choice for the classroom setting! MADE IN USA
Silver Defender Self-Cleaning Antimicrobial Protected Film has built in antimicrobial protection with embedded silver ions to immediately clean the film surface. It keeps film 99% clean continuously for 90 days and keeps cleaning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Silver Defender is waterproof and resistant to mostly all chemical agents such as bleach, alcohol, and other common cleaning products. For Door Handles, Knobs, IPads, Flush Handles, Garbage Bins or any High Touch Areas. Great for IPads and School Electronics!! ALL FILM MADE IN USA
Ozark Premier Sinks' lead time is two business days and deliver hot water in classrooms or anywhere in the school. Good Ideas Handwash has a lead time of 2 weeks and can be placed outdoors at any location outdoors . PolyJohn Handwash Stations' lead time is about 60 days but are a lower cost alternative. ALL SINKS & HANDWASH STATIONS ARE MADE IN USA
During the fight against Covid-19, EOS engineers went to work to develop a lighting technology that could help combat pathogens and microbes and enable automatic sanitization. They developed an LED based Antimicrobial lighting solution that will sanitize anywhere the light is shining. Since these energy efficient lighting fixtures can be installed anywhere you already have an existing fixture, the technology can be deployed to cover almost every area of your building.
Watch this 5 min 47 second video clip on EOS' Non UV Antimicrobial Fixtures that sanitize while humans are present— it is game-changing technology that your school can utilize right now. We have collateral material available and are happy to discuss further in person or via zoom. Please advise us your preference. MADE IN USA
EOS Non UV Antimicrobial Lighting Video
Strategically place sanitizing at different locations around the school. Choose from stainless to an economical plastic stand to be positioned where there are large crowds. People tend to use a stand unit more frequently when they are easily seen, especially at entrances to rooms, large areas such as gymnasiums and buildings.
Strong Masks are manufactured right here in the USA in North Carolina. You can be assured of the quality as they are not sourced from overseas and can be shipped out immediately. Choose From Plastic Nosebar or Metal Nosebar. Look at the ASTM Level 3 Version too! Choose from four different versions and IN STOCK!
Brulin (BHC) Six EPA Emerging Viral Pathogen Claim Products

These Brulin disinfectants meet EPA guidelines for emerging viral pathogens, with demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) on hard non-porous surfaces for daily facility cleaning and disinfection. Make sure your infection prevention and control program includes cleaning and disinfection on all “high touch” surfaces daily.
Depending on what solution is being used, you may not need to wipe surfaces after spraying after using an electrostatic sprayers. The amount of time to disinfect an area is cut back by more than half the time when compared to using conventional sprayers. The electrostatically charged droplets hold their charge for 2 to 3 seconds which helps to prevent drips and allows the solution to cover hidden areas you would not get to with a conventional sprayer.
XPOWER’s air scrubbers remove contaminants from the air using a 3 or 4 stage purification process. It restores indoor air quality and removes sub-micron sized contaminants. These are perfect for schools, gymnasiums, and larger areas where people gather.
These Infrared Wrist Thermometers are a Low Cost Solution to Taking the Temperatures of Students as they Enter the Building. They Have a Motion Sensor and will Detect a Person Passing Through and will Instruct the Person to Take Their Temperature simply by Sliding Their Wrist Through. It will Instantly Detect and Illuminate in Green, Yellow or Red.