Bradley On-Site Portable Gravity-Fed Eyewash Station
The Bradley On- Site Portable Gravity-Fed Eyewash Station is a portable unit which can be mounted on a wall, bench, or a transportable waste cart. Water flow is easily activated when the arm is pulled down. Also available to be purchased with this product is a heater jacket unit which prevents freezing of the fluids in extremely low temperatures, down to -10 degrees Fahrenheit. Optional waste cart is also available which the eyewash station can be installed on for easy transportation. The yellow polyethylene waste cart is highly durable and visible with a 56 gallon capacity. When eyewash is activated the wastewater drains into the waste cart to be later emptied through the drain hole at the bottom.

Gravity Fed Eyewash with Wall Mount Bracket

Portable Gravity-Fed Eyewash Waste Cart

Gravity Fed Eyewash and Heat Jacket Unit