Welding Goggles

Welding Goggles

Protect your eyes while operating cutting equipment and gas or electric welding equpment with welding goggles that meet ANSI Z87 standards.   Shop Below

Welding Goggles are a necessity for any welder operating gas or electric welding and cutting equipment.  The glass for the lenses should be without air bubbles lines, waves or other flaws and imperfections.  The front and rear surfaces of welding lenses should be manufactured smooth and parallel to each other except in the case where the lens is made to correct vision.

A properly made welding goggle should be made of a high quality material that will not corrode or cause the skin to discolor and should be ventilated as much as possible to prevent fogging.  Lenses should be clearly marked with the shade for proper identification.

Different types of welding operations require specific shades.  Please verify which shade of lens is necessary to fully protect the eyes.

Radnor 50mm Welding Goggles
Regular Price: $7.49
On Sale For: $6.89
Radnor Fixed Front Welding Goggles
Regular Price: $8.79
On Sale For: $8.25
Radnor Lift-Front Welding Goggle
Regular Price: $16.89
On Sale For: $16.25