Combination Shower

Combination Showers

A combination shower combines an eyewash and shower when the eyes, face and body need to be protected in the event of being splashed with chemicals or contaminants. They would include either an eyewash or eye-facewash in addition to the shower component and offer the most protection for all parts of the body in the event of a chemical splash.

Speakman SE-675 Emergency Shower - Eye/Face Wash
Regular Price: $882.00
On Sale For: $595.00
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Combination Shower

Combination Showers Protects Your Eyes, Face and Body
A Combination Shower includes either an eyewash or eye-facewash in addition to the shower component and offers the most protection for all parts of the body in the event of a chemical splash.  An emergency shower without the eyewash/facewash should not be used for the eyes because the water pressure could be too strong and injure the delicate eye tissue.

ANSI Makes Sure That Your Whole Body Gets the Right Protection
According to the latest ANSI standard regarding Combination Showers, neither the emergency shower nor the eyewash can lose water pressure because the other component is activated. This ensures that all body parts are equally being flushed at the same time for the removal of the contaminant.  Both the emergency shower and the eyewash on the unit need to be certified. Both water pressure and volume must be in compliance for the eyewash and the shower simultaneously. 