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Hearing Protection
Hearing loss is a serious problem for workers in an industry that exposes them to unsafe noise levels. This is a very common work related hazard. Hearing loss is usually not sudden and can creep up on a you and you may not realize you a hearing loss until the damage is done. It is permanent and not reversible!
Hearing Protection

Hearing loss is a serious problem for workers in an industry that exposes them to unsafe noise levels. Unfortunately, it is a very common work related problem. Hearing loss is permanent and not reversable! Wearing hearing protection can make the condition totally preventable. It is not only noise levels that can damage hearing but also the duration of time that a worker is exposed to the noise. Hearing protection products should be worn to protect hearing and prevent hearing loss when a worker is exposed to loud, continuous noise. Hearing protection products are offered in many different types including disposible ear plugs, re-usable ear plugs, ear muffs, ear muffs that attach to helmets with a variation of noise protection and and much more.